4000 €
" Film "
- The work of one operator
- Shooting time: 10 hours
- Teaser up to 1 minutes
- Film up to 10 minutes
- Aerial video filming
(the possibility of shooting from the air depends on the location,
weather conditions, flight and import rules)
Pre-wedding video € 800
Flights and accommodation are not included in the price.
4500 €
" Film + clip "
- The work of two operators
- Shooting time: 12 hours
- Clip up to 3 minutes
- Film up to 10 minutes
- Aerial video filming
(the possibility of shooting from the air depends on the location,
weather conditions, flight and import rules)
Pre-wedding video € 800
Flights and accommodation are not included in the price.
Redemption of all copyrights, confidentiality of 30% of the cost.
Additional shooting hour - 200 €
Expedited installation (within 14 days) - 500 €